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Public Ticket #1543

after update the price on the discpay change on wrong place


beffore the today’s update 18.02 the plugin changing the price on variation when change the variation the main price change now ( after the update) when change the price is coming new bar with price and change the main price stay as show on main page but is not correct 


and looks like the customer will paid the main price plus the variaton price is not clear at all.. 

just made it worst after the update 





Hi Stan,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, we have not released the 18.02 version.

Can you please give us a screenshot or screen record of your issue? Also, give us an exact product link to check.

You can upload your screenshot here: and post it directly on this thread. If you want to record your screen you can use

Hope to hear from you soon!
