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Public Ticket #218

Patrick Heijnen


I love your plugin product variation table, but I have some issues. I’m using it with elementor, and used the shortcode to display the table. The title is in English, but in the settings I added a german description. I’m also using a discounted price for some users, but the price is stated as zero, in stead of the correct price. After putting the article in the basket, the price is correct. And finaly I would love to add a colom with a custom field. (I use ACF).



Hi Patrick, Thanks for reaching out to us. Firstly, I want to thank you for purchasing our plugin.
The title is in English, but in the settings I added a german description. I’m also using a discounted price for some users, but the price is stated as zero, in stead of the correct price.
Can you please give us an example link to check?
And finaly I would love to add a colom with a custom field. (I use ACF).
Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. But it is a great idea, I will keep it on our to-do list. Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks



Thanks for mailing us the credentials and exact link.

I have installed a plugin called "Code Snippets" and added the below code to resolve "price is displaying as 0 issue "-

if( class_exists('PVTFW_TABLE' )){
function pvt_adp_price_condition( $price_html, $single_variation ){
return $single_variation->get_price_html();
add_filter( 'pvtfw_price_html', 'pvt_adp_price_condition', 10, 2 );

Can you please check now? Before checking don't forget to clear your cache (browser cache + caching plugin cache + )

Hope to hear from you soon!


Patrick Heijnen

Patrick Heijnen

Hi, two years ago I asked for a extra colum with a custom field. Do you think you could make it?

And finaly I would love to add a colom with a custom field. (I use ACF).

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. But it is a great idea, I will keep it on our to-do list.




Hi Patrick,

I hope you are doing well today. We are going to release both the Free 1.4.13 and Pro 1.4.7 versions within the next few days.

We have added a facility to the Pro version. However, it is not possible to keep visual settings to add additional columns. So, we will give an example snippet to our Pro users to add extra columns. Then they can modify their own based on their need.

I hope this information will help.

Best Regards