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How to install a WordPress Plugin - Quick Complete Guide

How to install a WordPress Plugin: Quick Complete Guide

You will need plugins to get the most out of your WordPress installation. In this post, we will discuss how to install a WordPress plugin. We aim to cover several methods suitable for every user(site owner).

Right now, WordPress is by far the most popular CMS. Initially, it came as a blogging solution. Over time, this popular blogging solution became a Swiss Army Knife for all web projects. Congratulations to all contributors to this open-source project.

WordPress core is not bundled with everything you need for your web project. For example, it is possible to create an eCommerce store with WordPress. But, you must install WooCommerce (a popular WordPress plugin) on your site.

This is how plugins come into action. To enjoy the benefits of a plugin, you must install them on your site.

What is a WordPress plugin; How to install a WordPress Plugin

What is a WordPress plugin?

WordPress plugins are mostly PHP scripts. WordPress core is built with PHP. Core web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are also used. Most of the features and functionalities of a WordPress plugin are built with PHP.

A WordPress plugin either extends an existing feature or adds a new one. There is no limit to what you can do with a plugin. With the required WordPress plugin, you can turn your site into an online store, a learning management system, a multi-vendor eCommerce site, a portfolio site, an event booking site, an appointment management system, etc.

Total number of plugins on WordPress plugin directory
Total number of plugins on WordPress plugin directory

Currently, WordPress plugin directory has almost 60K plugins. More plugins are being added to extend your WordPress experience.

How to install a WordPress Plugin

There are several ways to add a WordPress plugin to your site. Let’s take a look at some of the easiest ways first.

  • Installing a plugin from the plugin directory
  • Installing a WordPress plugin from your PC

We will install Fast Cart for WooCommerce for this plugin installation guide. With Fast Cart for WooCommerce, you can create an attractive Ajax side cart for your WooCommerce store.

Installing a plugin from the plugin directory

Installing a plugin from the WordPress plugin directory is very easy. Every site owner should try this method first. Site owners can browse the official plugin repository and install the desired plugin directly from the dashboard.

Follow the steps below to install a plugin from the WordPress plugin directory:

  1. First, log in to your WordPress site’s admin panel.
WordPress login window
WordPress login window

2. Then, go to Plugins by clicking on the Plugins menu.

Plugin menu on WordPress dashboard
Plugin menu on WordPress dashboard

3. Click the Add New Plugin button to land on the Add Plugins page.

Option to add a new plugin
Option to add a new plugin

If you hover over the Plugins menu, the sub-menus (Installed Plugins, Add New Plugin, Plugin File Editor) under it will appear.

While hovering, click the Add New Plugin sub-menu to go to the Add Plugins page.

WordPress plugin menu on hover
WordPress plugin menu on hover

4. Browse plugins in the directory or search for your desired plugin.

5. Once you find your desired plugin, click the Install Now button.

Add Plugins page on the WordPress dashboard
Add Plugins page on the WordPress dashboard

6. This will download and install the plugin on your site.

The plugin is being installed on your WordPress site
The plugin is being installed on your WordPress site

7. Once the installation is complete, click the Activate button to enjoy the plugin’s features.

Activate the plugin after installation
Activate the plugin after installation
Plugin activation confirmation on the Plugin page
Plugin activation confirmation on the Plugin page

Installing a WordPress plugin from your PC

Premium plugins are not available for installation from the WordPress plugin directory. Additionally, some plugins are available on GitHub or the author’s site. So, to install them, you must download them to your PC first.

Please note that you can also browse the official WordPress plugin directory and download your desired plugins to your PC. Thus, you can install them on your site using this second (Installing a WordPress plugin from your PC) method.

We have already downloaded Fast Cart for WooCommerce.

Follow the steps below to install a WordPress plugin from your PC:

We assume you have already downloaded the plugin zip file to your PC. If not, please download the file and continue with the following steps.

(Most of the steps are identical to the previous method. We will share the complete steps anyway.)

1. First, log in to your WordPress site’s admin panel.

2. Then, go to Plugins by clicking on the Plugins menu.

3. Click the Add New Plugin button to land on the Add Plugins page.

4. Now, click on the Upload Plugin button; it will reveal the interface to upload a plugin file.

Upload your WordPress plugin from this interface
Upload your WordPress plugin from this interface

5. Upload the plugin from your computer by clicking Choose File and then the Install Now button.

Select the downloaded plugin file from your PC
Select the downloaded plugin file from your PC

Clicking on the Choose File will open a new window. You can select the plugin file from your PC using this window. Browse your file system to locate the file. Once you have found it, double-click on it or click Select.

6. Clicking the Install Now button will download and install the plugin on your site.

Once you have selected the file, let's install it
Once you have selected the file, let’s install it

7. Once the installation is complete, click the Activate button to enjoy the plugin’s features.

Activate the plugin that you have installed from your PC
Activate the plugin that you have installed from your PC

Hopefully, you have loved this article and learned something from it. Let us know which method you will follow to install a plugin on your WordPress site.

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