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Public Ticket #1350

variation price display range not working.


Hi there,

I am using your plugin ‘variation price display range for woocommerce settings’

It should do exactly what I want to accomplish, however it does not work although I think I have set it up correctly.

It’s on this staging website

You can see on the variation prices on the home page that there is a full price range, as well as a sale price range.

I want to accomplish this string: ‘From $40 $38′

Can you check my screenshot in the weteransfer and tell me if I set up the settings correctly? Thanks in advance



Hi Basrijnen,

Sorry for the late response.

I am aware that your query was resolved from our live support section.

We are sorry that the plugin does not produce the intended output with your desired discount rule plugin.

It only works with default WooCommerce prices.

Both plugins work with the same price options of WooCommerce and some of the options are tricky to deal with.

I hope that you will understand the situation.

Thanks a lot

Have a great day