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Public Ticket #1560

How to change default headlines on variantion table


How am I supposed to change the headline of the column where the user is supposed to add the quantity of items (“Quantity” by default)?



Hi Ana,

Currently, we don't have an option to change this. Anyway, you can use the following snippet to your child theme's functions.php file:

add_filter('pvtfw_columns_labels', 'pvt_customize_table_header');
function pvt_customize_table_header($default_column_lables){
$custom_labels_ptvfw = array(
'quantity' => __('CusTom', 'product-variant-table-for-woocommerce'), //Replace CusTom with your preferred text
return array_replace($default_column_lables, $custom_labels_ptvfw);

We will wait for your feedback.

Thank you




The first line has a problem

syntax error, unexpected ''pvtfw_columns_labels\', \'pvt' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING)


Hi AnaRamos,

Please add the following snippet using the Code Snippets plugin:

// It will change the Quantity text for large screen
add_filter('pvtfw_columns_labels', function($default_column_lables){
$default_column_lables['quantity'] = __('YOUR_CUSTOM_TEXT', 'product-variant-table-for-woocommerce');
return $default_column_lables;
}, 10, 1);

// It will change the Quantity text for the small screen
add_filter('pvtfw_quantity_title', function($key1_title){
$new_key1_title = __('YOUR_CUSTOM_TEXT', 'product-variant-table-for-woocommerce');
return $new_key1_title;
}, 10, 1);


Then let me know if it works or not.

Hope to hear from you soon.
