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Public Ticket #2819


I need to set the quantity of product to a default of 0 NOT 1



Hi Cristina,

I hope that you are doing great. Please add the following code block to your child theme's functions.php file. (You can also use the Code Snippets plugin to add it).

add_filter('pvtfw_ajax_cart_prepare_quantity', function(){
return 0;

add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_min', function(){
return 0;

add_filter('pvtfw_qtyargs_input_value', function(){
return 0;

Let us know if this works. Also, if you need assistance with adding the code, please let us know.

We will wait for your feedback.

Thank you




Hi Cristina,

Can you please reply here on your ticket (

We receive hundreds of emails on our email. So, it will save time and you will get a faster response if you use this ticket system.

I need assistance with changing the font and color of the subtotal and the " add to cart" button

Can you please share the product link from your site? We will give you a css according to your request over the email.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards