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Public Ticket #282


I always have been using NI Product Table. 

I really want to switch and tried many. You have some great option. But one major problem. I have custom pricing for user based. Different level on customer. NI shows different pricing for customer based role. But this new one which is yours. It shows retail price. I use wholesale Suite for custom pricing. So how to show that to customer. That would be great enhancement if you don’t support it. Currently I disable yours just because of that. Also one more thing. How not to show add to cart in all rows but either floating or just one button at the bottom.



Hi Ghazi,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please try the below snippet after activating PVT.

Note: You can place the below code at your child theme's functions.php or snippet using the Code Snippets plugin

if( class_exists('PVTFW_TABLE' )){
function pvt_adp_price_condition( $price_html, $single_variation ){
return $single_variation->get_price_html();
add_filter( 'pvtfw_price_html', 'pvt_adp_price_condition', 10, 2 );

Then check if it resolves your issue or not.

Also one more thing. How not to show add to cart in all rows but either floating or just one button at the bottom

Do you need a bulk cart facility? One cart button for all the variations?

Hope to hear from you soon!



Amazing Support, I will go pro once I am done setting up.


just few things,

your table is amazing, it works great with varaiant only,

I was a big fan of the product table from code astrology, but it had not given me the option to move the table where I want , your did under the description or below whereever,


one thing I need to know, I will go pro one I have it fully tested.

I surely do need an option to have one button option, because we have sometime 28 to 32 varaints of flavors, and customer dont have time to hit add to card every single line item, so it would be best to have float button, and it shall go down as customer is sellecting the items, or all the way at the bottom is fine, as option , because it should be choice given if someone wants next to varaint,


also custom column will be good, now let me give you example, some items we have zero quantity, but we accept back order as due to current shorates daily we get items, so when the back order is allow, one thing you take does is make the add to card buttom avaliable on those item, but if such items, the columns should be avalaible and we can inform the customer to order even if it zero,


what is happeneing now is customer thinks its zero, and they dont order


also you gave me this code above and it works good, but why you dont incorporate this within the table so no such extra code is needed


also give us some option to change the colors or the quantity avaliable, like green, and red for out of stock, some more customization



Hi Ghazi,

Firstly thank you for your suggestions. Here is our answers to you-

or all the way at the bottom is fine, as option , because it should be choice given if someone wants next to varaint,

Right now in our Pro version, you will get one button for all variations. Please check our demo.

what is happeneing now is customer thinks its zero, and they dont order

So, you need a back-in-stock notification feature. Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. Basically, it is a separate plugin.

If you are using any plugin for back-in-stock notification and they provide a shortcode facility using a variation ID; then you can add a button beside the add to cart button. But you have to add some extra code to do that.

also you gave me this code above and it works good, but why you dont incorporate this within the table so no such extra code is needed

Our PVT has its own price display system. So, for the backward compatibility, we didn't add the above code. But in the coming version, we will add, we promise.

also give us some option to change the colors or the quantity avaliable, like green, and red for out of stock, some more customization

It is a great idea. Indeed we will try to add this option in our coming version.

Again Thanks for your suggestions.

Have a nice day!



so I did pay for it to get the one add to cart button, is the bulk cart same as add to cart, if that is visible, then we shall have an option to remove the single add to cart button, like if someone wants both, sure be it, or if one or the other, so be it, I dont want to see individuals, its causing confusion, plus in my case bulk cart is not working either after selecting multiple items,


so i have no idea what is wrong



Okay. So I have been trying to use that bulk buy feature and it was the only reason I bought the plugin. But it wasn't working at all. But after one of my customer click the items all one by one then it worked. But that defeats the purpose if you have to click the items. It's just the same thing as add to cart button. Either you click the check box or click the button. What is the difference.

And on top of that. It shows 1 in all. May be if you make default to zero items and as soon as we put any number. It should auto select the item and we hit bulk button,   and also you can remove the check the check mark thing , add to cart is the same thing as check mark. I will wait for an update from you and see if I can resolve some issues.






We have items that has 36 variables. So if the choose 26 of them. They have to check 26 boxes which is not very user friendly if you ask me. If they are putting quantity that is understood they want to add to cart. Otherwise no reason to put quantity there if the default value is zero.

Our website, the catogeries are hidden. Most of them.





We have items that has 36 variables. So if the choose 26 of them. They have to check 26 boxes which is not very user friendly if you ask me. If they are putting quantity that is understood they want to add to cart. Otherwise no reason to put quantity there if the default value is zero.

Our website, the catogeries are hidden. Most of them.




Hi Ghazi,

I understand your scenario. Suppose, a customer wants to buy 16 variable items.

Quantity 1 for 6 variable items

Quantity 4 for 6 variable items

Quantity 3 for 4 variable items

By default, the quantity is 1 (it is by default by WooCommerce). Then how the program will manage the quantity 1 variable products.

To minimize this issue, a checkbox is required with each variable item. I hope you will understand.

Again thanks for the website link. Can you please give me a link to a product page? Where I can check the variation table. I have tried several products but couldn't find them.

Hope to hear from you soon!