wpxteam 10 months ago Hi Nicolas, I hope that you are doing great. Would you like to use a custom text(in your language) replacing the current text? Please try the following code Snippet: function pvt_bulk_cart_text_override(){ return _x( 'YOUR_CUSTOM_TEXT', 'Bulk Cart: Button Text', 'product-variant-table-for-woocommerce-pro' ); } add_filter('pvtfw_table_bulk_cart_text', 'pvt_bulk_cart_text_override'); Add the snippet to your child theme's functions.php file. You can also use the Code Snippets plugin to add it. If you need assistance adding the snippet, please let us know. We will wait for your feedback. Thank you
wpxteam 10 months ago Hi Nicolas, Please replace this text with your desired text. Let us know if this works. Thank you
Nicolas Vandenkerckhoven