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Public Ticket #2991

Change Price Display When Choosing Variation

Decor Style


I recently encountered a similar ticket regarding my issue, but the solution provided by the WPXtension team did not resolve it for me. The problem persists with my price display not updating when selecting a variation. Instead, when choosing a variation, it shows smaller price below the variations options.

I am utilizing the Divi theme and have attempted to add a CSS class and applying the same class to the Product Wrapper – didn’t work for me. The price display isn’t changing.

Could you please assist me in resolving this matter? We are using the Pro Version of the plugin, although I am uncertain if this impacts the current situation.

Thank you in advance!

Decor Style

Decor Style


Well, I'm not sure what happened... It's working, yes! Maybe the tutorial I followed before on another ticket finally worked? Sorry for the trouble and thank you for the quick reply!

Warm regards!



Hi Decor,

I hope that you are doing great.

I believe that you followed everything properly, but the changes were not effective due to caching.

If you need further assistance with anything else, please let us know.

Thank you