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Public Ticket #416

Missing global setting for disable table / keep dropdown

Claudia Höhne


I bought the pro version cause we need the default select options in the pricebox, the variation table is included by shortcode.

I found a configuration in the product, in tab “Variation Table”, with the options 
– Global settings
– disable variation table
– keep variation table with dropdown

but, where is the global setting for this option?

We don’t want do edit all 100 products :-/ 




Hi Claudia,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Again thanks for the idea. We are keeping this as a feature request for the next release.

BTW, we are working on 1.4.1 and we will try to include this in that version.

Right now, you can use the below code inside your functions.php or use it as a snippet using the Code Snippets plugin-

function pvt_divi_builder_support(){
global $pvtfw_table;
remove_action('template_redirect', array( $pvtfw_table, 'remove_add_to_cart'), 29 );
add_action('init', 'pvt_divi_builder_support');

Please let me know if it resolves your issue or not.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Claudia Höhne

Claudia Höhne

Okay thanks, this would work and the default select shows up.

As we implement the table by shortcode, we need also to deactivate the automatic implementation, yesterday we already found a solution by setting the category filter in tab advanced to "Inlclude Below Categories" and keep the category field empty.

That way we have the default selects and only our shortcode implementation.

By the way, there is a typing error in the above mentioned select option "Inlclude Below Categories" :-)






Hi Claudia,

I am very glad that you found also another way 🙂.

BTW, we are very excited and honored when you use our plugin on your site.

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